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Top 3 Cool And Sexy Tattoos for Men - Tattoo Designs and Ideas for Guys

                Whether you admit it or not, one of the very reasons why us men want to get tattoo in the first place is to be attractive to the ladies. We want to look cool yet sexy at the same time and we believe that an amazing piece of skin art can help us achieve this purpose. However, the wrong design and execution can make us appear uncool and unattractive. It is therefore important to give your tat journey careful planning and forethought so there will be no regret in the end. Animal Instinct There are different kinds of animals that symbolize qualities and characteristics that men wish to possess all the time. These are qualities like bravery, strength, speed and wisdom. The powerful felines like tigers, leopards, lion and jaguars can create authoritative and commanding statement when rendered as skin art. Birds like swallow, eagle and dove, on the other hand can express flight, freedom and peace. The mythical dragon, cunning snake and fearful scorpion all possess qualities like fearlessness and wildness. Choose what quality you specifically want to emanate so you can decide which animal symbol to go for. Tribal Art Tribal art would never lose their appeal because they rooted from tribes of pre-industrial times where tattoos are part of their social and religious values. However, rather than going for just some random tribal art you found on the web, make this tattoo as authentic and interesting as possible. You can do that by defining which kind of tribal art you would want to be inked on your body, perhaps something to do with your heritage. Will it be from the Maoris of New Zealand, Samoans from the Polynesians or maybe Aztecs from Mexico? There are actually tattoo artists who specialize in this certain kind of genre as they can be complicated and intricate to draw on the body. Old School Appeal Old school tattoos seem to be making a comeback these days, perhaps some people would not want to go as elaborate or as intricate when it comes to their skin art. Moreover, these traditional tattoo piece seem to have never lost their appeal as their message are clear and outright stated. Symbols like skull, rose, cross, pin-up girl and heart be charming and pretty as long as you work with a talented tattoo artist to execute these designs perfectly. 

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